Customization by Fil Control

      As a technology-oriented science enterprise, FIL CONTROL offers thoughtful design services to our clients.

      With the leading role in textile machinery equipment technology, FIL CONTROL products is customized to meet the needs of customers and market and to ensure that the latest textile machinery control technology can readily be   applied in our textile machinery and equipment on customers.

      For the issue of great differences in many textile machinery, which have been put into operation, FIL CONTROL prepared a variety of programs to tackle this problem for manufacturers. Through specific market research and actual customer demands, Fil Control products need to be transformed or re-designed in order to meet the functional requirements of textile machinery control.

      Considering some large textile corporations outdated or soon obsolete control equipment installed, FIL CONTROL provides customers with a full range of updates and design modifications. FIL CONTROL will provide tailored types for those particularly installed structures for the benefit of manufacturers in production and quality requirements.