Fil Control in China

Fil Control company established the first Asian manufacturing plant in November 2004, in Wuhu, China. As visionary as other European manufacturers, Fil Control manage department pays increasing attention to the growing market in China. Fil Control hopes to see their products will be manufactured and used widely on various textile machines by merging with China and its neighboring countries.
Similarly, considering the localization of core technology and the globalization of product chain distribution, China, a textile -producing and consuming country, is a preferable choice for us to build affiliates. With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the market of supply and consumption in China has played an important part in the world market.
Speaking of the textile machinery market development trends as well as the associated regionalization of textile technology, Fil Control has made a professional market research and strategic analysis. As a result, we find that China will become the centre of world textile market. We must take this great opportunity to broaden our market in textile industry.
Our investment project about production and sales in China has been started. In April 2005, the factory in China has been put into operation in High-tech Industrial Development Zone Wuhu. With the identity of local vendors, Fil Control provides qualified service to customers. The branch in China will provide customers with a wide range of services like the head office in France, including production, design, consulting, installation and sale of textile machinery control equipment. Personnel structure composed mainly of local staff will bring benefit to our commercial and technical communication with Chinese clients.